After hearing that there were releases of BB cushions that were highly raved about, I decided to buy these three BB cushions on a whim (despite the fact that they weren't empty yet, which is what I usually do *heavy sigh at naughty spending habits) .

The thing is, I've been a BB cream and cushion user for a long time and I've used BB creams since I was 14 years old (which makes it what, nearly 9 years since I've been using that sort of product now ?) . If there's anything that I know, it's that the BB cream and cushion formulas are excellent, but they suffer from things such as oxidisation, being far too white, and/or not having a great long lasting finish . So to here that there were affordable products that could finally eliminate that, was something that got my wallet out far too quickly haha .

I made a video about these products recently so you can see how long they can last for around 6+ hours . In this video I put about 3 layers on to let people see what the product looked like when you completely covered the blemishes . I also wanted to test to see if the products would cake up, since when I was using these BB cushions in my everyday wear I wouldn't put 3 layers on my face .

In this written review though, I'll go more into depth of how they were like overall and mainly when I was wearing these for daily wear . To be honest I actually don't dislike any of these products and would actually recommend all of them . But there are different pros and cons to each product so I think it's really up to your sort of tastes .

CC Cushion APRIL SKIN Magic Snow Cushion White

Average Price: ~$20 USDTone used: #21 (light beige)Finish: MatteCoverage: Medium-HighWhere to get it: here~ :)


  • The finish is really amazing . It's the smoothest most loveliest finish and this finish will last for around 2-3 hours . After that the smoothness fades .
  • It has this nice sort of foundation-like finish
  • Best coverage amongst the cushions in this review
  • Overall this product can easily last 6+ hours on the skin without uncovering blemishes or redness
  • Even after oxidisation the finish makes the skin looks bright instead of dull
  • Doesn't cake up in drier weather conditions
  • claims that with continued use it can remove wrinkles and brighten/lighten the face


  • In the first couple of hours it's a rather unnatural pasty white, and the colour seems more pinkish than beige . 
  • Actually overall it's a pasty sort of colour, so it doesn't really look natural (but hey maybe you're into that) .
  • It says it has the ability to remove wrinkles, but amongst the other cushions that were reviewed, this settled into the pores and lines in the face the most .
  • It's not too bad and I'm not really surprised, but after 3 or so hours the matte finish will fade away for those who have normal/oily skin . 
  • I think it gets quite cakey in humid conditions, even with one layer on . It will also tend to transfer more .


Do I think this is a bad product ? No . But out of all the other cushions I liked this one the least just due to the fact that the finish looked so unnatural . To me BB Cushions should just make the skin tone brighter, not whiter . Also it really settled into my smile lines which I have quite a bit of a complex with .

If anything I recommend this to people who have much paler skin that don't suffer from fine lines . If you don't have a problem with your skin being a bit shiny after 3 or so hours as well, then I think this cushion will be your new best friend haha .

MISSHA Signature Essence Cushion

Average Price: ~$14 USDTone used: #23 (natural beige)Finish: DewyCoverage: Low-MediumWhere to get it: here ! :D


  • Least likely to settle into the fine lines or just settle into your face in general
  • Though its coverage is the least out of the cushions, the smoothness of its finish will last for a really long time
  • On that point, I think its the cushion that keeps to its original finish after hours of having it on, the most .
  • Doesn't cake
  • Easily lasts even after 8 or so hours


  • Doesn't cover redness and/or blemishes very well
  • If your skin is dull, this will definitely show after 3-4 hours
    • This probably means that its oxidisation doesn't do so great either
  • If you don't clean the place where you put the puff or replace the puff in a span of two weeks, it will really  break you out
  • Accentuates dry spots (surprising since this cushion is targeted towards dry skinned people)
  • For the oily skinned people it will make you look like a disco ball after 3 hours, especially in humid conditions


I was sooooo fond of this product until it broke me out like a mother chucker . @_@ Seriously if you don't clean that puff and the surface that you put it on it will not bode too well for you . I consider myself to have normal skin, but I got super oily when I was using this product . This was during an extremely humid summer though . But even using it in the drier times I still get those blasted breakouts . It's such a shame since out of all of the other cushions this one has my most favourite finish . 

But to me skin care comes first, so because I prioritise preventing breakouts first, I wouldn't get this product again . You might think "just replace your cushion every two weeks" but that's easier said than done . It's not like I don't clean my products, however if you want me to be completely truthful I probably clean them after a month or so, because I simply don't remember at times . I don't want to breakout simply because I forgot to do something, you know ?

So for those people that don't mind the super high maintenance products, I definitely recommend this BB Cushion . I want to recommend this to dry skinned people, but it's unfortunate that it will accentuate dry patches if you have any (which I find kind of odd, especially since this product has a dewy finish) .

I can't hate on this product because damn, that long lasting finish in dry conditions is to die for . T_T

MISSHA The Original Tension Pact Perfect Cover

Average Price: ~$13 USDTone used: #21 (light beige)Finish: Matte/Semi-MatteCoverage: Medium-HighWhere to get it? here~! :O


  • Easily lasts 8+ hours
  • Doesn't cover blemishes so well, but it does cover redness very well
  • Brightness of product will easily continue after 8+ hours
  • Coverage will fade a bit, but for the most part will continue even after 8+ hours as well
  • Spot covering is possible and not obvious
  • A little goes a long way with this product, and is the most easiest to apply out of all the cushions in this review
  • Doesn't usually transfer
  • Great natural finish
  • claims to also have anti-wrinkling and whitening properties


  • Seems to have a tendency to accentuate the bumps in the skin after 3 or so hours
  • Transfers the most when more layers are applied- I liked this product the least when I applied 3 layers on
  • Though it has the ability to cover your imperfections, I think it won't do it quite as well as the Magic Snow Cushion


Out of all the cushions in this review, this was the one I liked the most, mainly because of how natural the colour of the finish was . Another thing I really liked about this product was also the fact that it doesn't break me out nor oxidise badly . While the other products has different pros to it, I think that as good, hassle-free, everyday wear, this product is the most fitting to these ideals (which are basically my highest priorities when applying makeup) .

Again though, having 3 full layers of this on my face was a nightmare lol .

All these amazing Cushions, and so little money . 

So that's it for my review and overall I was thoroughly impressed with all of them ! But at the end different tastes have different preferences right ? So when reading this review I hope you do keep in mind that my skin has a tendency to get oily, and the climate I was using these BB cushions in was predominately during hot weather conditions with high (so very high T_T) levels of humidity . 

Those are my final remarks on these cushions and I'm glad to see the makeup world evolving so fast ! I wish these were invented when I was in high school, since they're are so convenient haha . Anyway, which BB or CC cushions do you prefer ? I'd love to know . :)

Signing Out,