While I was in Japan I was absolutely devastated to hear that one of my favourite Masterchef contestants opened his own restaurant in Sydney . Don't get me wrong, eating in Japan is always fantastic, but WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY FAVOURITE MASTERCHEF PERSON OPENED HIS OWN RESTAURANT AND I'M NOT THERE TO EAT IT ?!

And here is my account of the wild (not really, but yeah kinda) duck chase it was to get to this restaurant and of course, what it serves . If you want to see the Aussie foodie culture first hand, I definitely recommend you check out this restaurant !

I took this picture solely because Reynold is in it LOL .
Reynold is one of the contestants from Masterchef Australia, who was well liked for being a dessert maker and making some really innovative dessert pieces . To be honest, whenever I watched Masterchef I always had a weakness for the guys who made dessert . Always . It's terrible haha . Reynold in particular was popular for his absolute killer aesthetic when producing desserts, as well as making the most delicious desserts ever .

So when I finally went to back to Sydney my brother made it one of the top priorities for me to visit his restaurant, when we went and visited though it was closed (and my brother looked so upset that I felt more bad for him than I did for me) . Second time round though, me and my friend visited the place on a whim, and to our luck not only was it open, but the man himself was there as well (in which I felt more sorry for my brother, who didn't see Reynold when he ate at Koi) .

Extreme fangirling then ensued, as me and my friend nearly lost our minds at screaming internally as we literally sat in front of him and the restaurant . If Reynold saw us staring at him we're terribly sorry, but the odds were so against us that it was such a magical moment LOL .

In order to sit in and dine during dinner time, a reservation is necessary . Though it says you can dine downstairs, in reality the place is really small, and you can only really order the desserts or get a drink . If you reserve, it seems you get a set menu for your course .

The menu you can choose from consists of some of his legendary desserts that he featured during Masterchef . One of them is Moss (it's in the mason jar in the picture), which literally looks like a little vegetation patch in a mason jar, but is completely edible and delicious . The elements that look like dew, shrubbery and rock ? All edible . When I saw it in real life for the first time I was absolutely stoked because I was like "I can't believe this is actually real ." The wonderfully surreal dessert has a overriding matcha flavour, one of the best flavours to taste in the realm of sweets . Anything matcha flavoured is usually never sweet but never quite bland either .

The dessert bar also features gorgeous little cakes to try as well, which each have a sleek design almost akin to a pretty gem stone . Within the picture is a chocolate flavoured, and calmansi with coconut flavoured cake . The best things about these desserts is that they have a layer of textures and they never taste too sweet, a factor that tends to really make a lot of dessert flavours suffer in Sydney .

 The KOI Dessert bar really gives both an oriental and earthy vibe, and it does kind of feel like you're in the world of a pond filled with Koi fish . There's something about the moss dessert or the marble-like cakes that feel that way, along with the black interior filled lusciously with flowers and plants . I think going to this restaurant is a little peak of what Australian culture is, which I think is pretty nice considering that I honestly feel as though Australia has somewhat very little of it . If you want to check it out here's the website .

Again, if Reynold ever sees this post, I really hope I didn't freak you out with all the staring lol . :(

Signing out,