INNISFREE Green Tea Balancing Skin, Green Tea Balancing Lotion, INNISFREE Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask

If you're wondering why I'm reviewing three products at the same time, it's simply because, well...there's a lot of products to review (*sigh) . But I'm not exactly a fan of always serving up the same thing which is why I don't write reviews every week . Anyway, I actually have a bunch of stuff from the INNISFREE line that I've used in the past couple of months, so it's most certainly about time that I've done a review for these products !

INNISFREE Green Tea Balancing Skin Review & INNISFREE Green Tea Balancing Lotion Review ( x | x )

General Overview

The INNISFREE Green Tea Balancing Skin is 200mL, around $15 USD, and is essentially the toner within this line . So why call it balancing skin instead of toner ? I don't know . Its consistency is semi- transparent, and surprisingly a lot less runnier than a normal toner, which is probably why they decided to not call it that incase people get a little sceptical . It has a scent to it that I find quite pleasant and refreshing . It doesn't smell like green tea, but for some reason it reminds me of some sort of citrus ? I don't think I'll be able to describe it correctly but if there's anything that I know, yes it has a scent, and if I were to describe it as anything I'd say it's refreshing .

The INNISFREE Green Tea Balancing Lotion is 160mL, and is also $15 . The packaging is almost identical to the Green Tea Balancing Skin, apart from the fact that it's a little smaller and the consistency is white instead of semi transparent . As it's a lotion it's not exactly creamy but not completely fluid either . It also has the refreshing scent that the Balancing Skin has .

To me it's interesting to note that the ingredient of Green Tea itself has always been popular for its ability to both moisturise, soothe and fight acne . This line in particular however, really focuses on thoroughly moisturising the skin, and thoroughly moisturising the skin only . I'd also like to note that even though the packaging is pretty travel friendly since it's made of plastic, it can be quite the pain to control the portion that you're going to use . 

Final Thoughts + would I purchase it again ?

If I'm going to be completely honest, I think there's something in the general INNISFREE creams and lotions that probably does not fair well with sensitive skin, because when I used this, it broke me out . I had a similar thing happen with the INNISFREE Orchid Enriched cream, which maintained moisture in my skin when I had dry skin (but didn't completely heal up the dry patches of my skin) . It didn't break me out until I became oily skinned, but even when I had dry skin, it didn't help to completely stop my skin from being dry during the day time as well, does that make sense ?

What I'm trying to get at first and foremost is that the INNISFREE creams won't help to completely eliminate problems, but only help to alleviate them . Second of all, if you have both sensitive skin and oily skin, you might want to be really wary of these products . The thing is I've generally seen a lot of good reviews from oily skinned people about how this product doesn't break them out but also helps to retain moisture for their skin .

But nope . this product breaks me out . This line and the orchid enriched cream broke me out, so I really feel as though there's something in the INNISFREE creams that sensitive skin people need to be cautious about . If you're dry skinned or oily skinned, I think this product is safe to see and try out, but if you have sensitive skin... I think it'd be best for you to try out a sample or a tester first .

But personally for me, I think I'm gonna lay off using the INNISFREE creams from now on .

Can't say I'd say the same thing for the next product though . :)

INNISFREE Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask Review ( x )

INNISFREE Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask @ The TEACOAST

General Overview

The Jeju volcanic pore clay mask can be found for approximately $10 USD at 100mL, which I've got to say, is hella cheap . The texture of it is thick and gray, and in order to use this mask you basically need to smear it on your face and then leave it on for 15-30 minutes (I leave it on for 30 minutes) . The general aim of this mask is to clean the pores, help in reducing oil and sebum, and leave your skin with smoother and brighter skin . I've also found that out of many products that I've used, this product has almost no scent . It does have a scent, but that's only if you pay attention to it, but with that being said it's not very intruding .

Surprisingly, this product doesn't explicitly state it, but this mask has AHA in it which means it's got some acne clearing properties within it . The general marketing of this product makes it out to be that it's good for any skin type, but I think it's best suited for acne prone or oily skin . I've actually read a few reviews on this that has said that if you're on the drier side, you won't be a fan of this product . Also, because this product has AHA I really, really stress that you must not use Vitamin C before or after the use of this product . If you do it can actually cause your skin to breakout more .

Final Thoughts + Would I purchase this again ?

I think that for $10, this is an excellent product for the general maintenance of your skin and really keeping sebum control and oil control at bay . However I do not think that this product is a good idea if you want to get rid of really deep and stubborn black heads . Even though it does help to clear out the oil of your skin, there are other products that can do a more thorough product of that if it is more of an issue (I'm looking at you, Glamglow Supermud Clearing Treatment mask) .

Since I have an issue with some deep black heads, and coping with the hell that is the humidity of the Japanese summer, I may look at something else in order to fix those problems . However I like using this product and I know that I'll keep using this product until I finish it up . If I didn't have other pore clay masks that I wanted to try out , chances are I'd most probably buy this again . Before using this mask twice a week I'd have serious problems trying to control breakouts and trying to keep my skin smooth, so if anything, I'm nothing but fond of this product .

The cheap and 'all-natural' INNISFREE is...

I used to favour this brand a lot since it boasts of using natural ingredients, though I do believe that it uses natural ingredients, there must be something else that they use for my skin to be breaking out to their creams, which is a bit of a shame . 

However when they make a good cheap product, they make it well . Honestly the quality of the products they make for the price they sell it at is pretty impressive, such as the Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask . If you're looking for general maintenance products and products that won't exactly 'wow' you, it's good to give the INNISFREE brand a try .

Do you have any favourite INNISFREE products ? I'd love to know~

Signing out,