I don't know why or how I came across this lipstick, but I remember when I heard about it, I was so intrigued by it . It was introduced as the "most beautiful lipstick in the world" that changed to a different shade of pink according to whoever wore it . How does a product sound so damn magical ? Anyway the weirdly fascinating description made me want to buy it and try it out, so here's my experience with the fantastical product that is the Kailijumei lipstick !

General Overview

This product is pretty easy to get on places like eBay and amazon for around $6-$10 USD . I heard that this product originally came from Thailand, but when I read the packaging it says that it's from Germany ? Or to be precise "Kailijumei - Germany" ...it also says that it's Made in China . From what I see the brand seems to be Chinese . Well, the origins of it seem to be in a bit of a mess, but I'm placing my bets on the fact that it's probably from China . It comes in Baby Doll Powder 02, Flame Red 03, MinuteMaid 01, and Dream Purple 04 . I'm actually quite surprised because I thought that all the lipstick types produced the same colour, which was supposedly pink . But I guess that just means you have to be careful with whether you buy the original lipsticks or not !

To open the product you have to press the red button on it, which is on the opposite side of the product description (eg. Baby Doll Powder) . The product also has a mirror which helps when applying the makeup on . It's a super small mirror though, but it helps when you don't have anything else at hand haha . Now on to the best part, the actual lipstick itself . And I just have to say this right now, it is so gorgeous . the lipstick itself is clear so you can see that inside there are gold flakes and a flower inside . Sounds beautiful ? Yeah, 'cause it is .

Claims & Results

So essentially the product says that it:
  • moisturises the lips
  • smells sweet
  • colour changes according to the temperature of your lips and PH levels 
So first off, does it moisturises the lips ? Yes it does, which I found kind of surprising . It's usually hard to moisturise my lips (the usual lip balms and even vaselline doesn't do it for me), so I was pretty impressed that it was able to do that .

Second of all, does it smell sweet ? I mean it does, but it has this odd plastic smell to it that really lingers . It's odd because I'm like wow, the sweet smell is really nice ! And then suddenly...I smell this slight plastic smell and I unfortunately enjoy the product a little less than before . ^^" Regardless, it's not bad enough that you wouldn't want to use it on your lips at all . But it can get...a little off putting .

The colour changes according to your lips ? Yes ! And it is pretty impressive ! It truly does feel like magic especially when the stick is clear, and the colour of the lips is rather bright and vivid as well . Also out of curiosity, I tried it on the back of my hand as well and saw that it also adds colour to my hand too ! haha .

Final thoughts + Would I purchase it again ?

I really like this product and it's the perfect partner for going out and impressing people haha . It is such a gorgeous product despite it's price and even though its mirror is a bit difficult to use, but you can still use it to help re-apply it on your lips when you need to . What I liked about it the most is the fact that even after you finish eating, some colour does still remain, which is surprising because I've seen many lip products does not do so . Apart from the plastic smell, I'm definitely a huge fan of this product .

So would I purchase this product again ? Yes I would ! For some reason when I first bought this product I was under the impression that it only changes your colour to pink, but I found out that you can actually get this in a red and orange tint as well, so I'm planning to purchase those ones next, actually . I think it'll be my next go-to lipstick for travelling since it's so pretty, and still keeps the colour on my lips even after eating . I definitely recommend you guys to go and check it out !

Signing out,


1 comment:

  1. I loooove this! I'd definitely buy this, I've seen this everywhere online - but never bitten the bullet. Christmas gifts would be amazing for this.

    JUNNIKU blog!
