I'm not too sure if Korean face masks have these, but what I love about Japan is the fact that they have these whimsical sorts of face masks where they imprint an image on the mask . I didn't know these existed until I snooped around and honestly, I didn't really buy these for the overwhelming beneficial features . BUT I REALLY LIKE TIGERS OK . >< Also there was this freaky ass panda character in a game I use to be addicted to, and he was the final boss . So I thought to myself, hmm what's it like to look like a freaky ass panda ? lol .

General Overview

Both of these masks contain 50% natural coconut juice and 50% coconut water . The face colouring used in these masks are also FDA (food and drug) approved, so if you're worried of the use of chemicals you don't have anything to fear~...for the most part . X) These were around 500 yen each (approximately $5) at Loft, but from what I've seen it's actually pretty easy to order online as well .

Using sheet face masks I've noticed a general difference in quality depending on how 'normal' the face mask was . For example there are the normal drugstore ones, then there are the slightly better quality ones-both having different sort of mask types . For example the common drug store ones still have the eye slits still hanging on where as the more 'higher quality' ones do not . Also the 'higher quality' ones tend to fit the face more nicely . These masks are definitely the latter . This was my first time using SNP face masks but I noticed that unlike other masks these ones were literally dripping in essence when I took it out of the pack . However the essence does dry up fairly well . Also, you keep these masks on for 20-25 mins .

There are other face masks in this range that target different things as well:

  • Panda mask: whitens & brightens skin
  • Tiger mask: targets wrinkles & makes the skin more firmer
  • Otter mask: targets dry skin & gives moisture
  • Beijing Opera mask: targets dry skin & gives moisture
  • Dragon mask: concentrates on soothing the skin

Claims & Results

The Panda face mask

Man did I look like a freaky ass panda lol .

  • A whitening mask that brightens the skin brighten ? yes . whiten ? mm ..
    When I took off the mask I did see that my complexion was definitely less dull . However I didn't really see that my complexion was more even . However in general whitening products take 4 or more weeks of being used consistently so I'm not surprised .

When I used this mask the thing was, it stung a bit . This was surprising but then I remember that the OST serum stings quite a bit as well, and that's a product that's also known for its brightening and whitening properties . So unless you don't mind the stinging, you can go right on ahead . The stinging doesn't last all throughout the 20-25 mins. you have the mask on, and I feel that stinging wasn't detrimental to my skin . When I took the mask off there were no red spots, irritation, or after soreness which are the warning signs of a product that doesn't suit my skin . So it is still marginally suitable for people with sensitive skin . Also, I didn't really like the scent of this mask . I can't really describe it, but all I know was that it was only really just tolerable due to it being faint.

The Tiger face mask

The detail in the tiger face is amazing ! Definitely makes it a lot of fun to wear haha .
  • A wrinkle mask that firms up the skin yes !
    After I took the mask of I felt like my skin was more plump and firm . Also after not using my normal face masks for about 2 weeks or so I do feel as though my skin is still clear of those fine lines that I just love to hate . :L

I enjoyed using this mask more, but maybe it's because one of my favourite animals is the tiger ? :P Unlike the panda mask's scent I enjoyed this one much more, it was somehow floral I suppose ? Also this mask didn't sting unlike the panda mask; but because this is a mask that targets wrinkles, I'd be really, really, worried if it did haha .

Ending comments + would I purchase it again ?

It's a fun novelty product, that's for sure . And unlike other character masks I've seen, these masks still have certain ingredients that targets certain things (like wrinkles, whitening, moisture, etc.) which I really like . Other character masks have general ingredients that benefit the skin but like, how about if I want to whiten my skin ? How about if my skin feels a bit dry ? I think this is clever on SNP's part since it gives more of an incentive to their customers to buy this product haha .

These products are on a more pricier end for me to use it weekly . But if I ever have issues with the problems that these face masks target, and I feel a little bored with my masks, I wouldn't be surprised if I purchased this again LOL . I think I used this more for the sake of curiosity, and it's sort of a thing that you feel you should use at least once . I'm actually thinking of buying these masks as a present for my parents ahaha X) . 

Ever used a product for the novelty of it ? I'd love to hear about it hehe . ^^

Signing out,



  1. Korea does omg! I got a berrisom animal mask as a gift from my wishtrend order and it looked so cute! + it was filled with genuine extracts and you can tell haha <3 I love these things <3 Japan face masks are also good though <3
    Jessie @ bijou-heart

    1. OOOO YAY KOREA XD . yeah they're definitely cute ahaha . it's fun sending pics to people for the lol reaction HAHA . XD

      yeah they're definitely a lot of fun when you get bored with the usual style and design of a normal mask ahaha X3

      there are some japanese face masks that you have to wear everyday and that makes me a little like uuuh..but yeah luckily japan has a wide selection of face masks with some awesome and wonderful quality to it ^^
