gosh . it's so hot . all the time . ;_; I mean sure I come from Australia and you'd think I'd be use to it, but when you put humidity in the picture it is just a whole new ball game ...

This picture actually took me a pretty long time to complete, this was done in like, three sittings ? Which is honestly a very . long . time . scenery drawing really isn't my forte ^^"

Anyway this week I found out that Durara !! came back and i was like WHAT SINCE WHEN ?? for some reason in my mind it was coming back in October . I don't even know . this week was huuuge in the otaku world for me as I found this out and also recently I also found out that Shokugeki started out again ! and honestly shokugeki is a bit of a guilty pleasure . like, idk why I really like it but compared to the other stuff I watch this season I enjoy it a lot XD"" During this week I also started watching Gangsta. and I LOVE ITTT . Usually don't watch anime in one go but with this one, gosh . I had to .

Also a friend recommended the manhwa Black Haze and I tried it since I've been wanting to get into a manhwa for a long time now (despite the fact that I REALLY don't like the drawing styles for a lot of them . ^^") . At the beginning it was hard to read through coz the art was just so...let's just say that when I read a manga art plays a super important part in the art of persuasion LOL . But as the manhwa continues the plot becomes really interesting and the characters are a lot of fun . Plus the humour is top notch ahaha . XD

Wow this week has certainly been an otaku haul for me . XD"" ANYWAYS~

Upcoming posts & Updates:

  • When in Japan shop like the Japanese do ! I talk about 5 Japanese shops that you should definitely check out when you're in Japan .
  • PURE SMILE's art face masks review . I didn't specify which one because frankly, I don't think I really need to .
I hope you guys have had a wonderful week !

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