Like I said in this post, I had a sort of surprise haul in Akihabara and Shinjuku and these were one of the items LOL . I've seen this around before when I was doing more research on other PURE SMILE masks, so I was utterly delighted when I was able to find these ! :DD

General Overview

The PURE SMILE brand is a Japanese exclusive...but the products are made in Korea . It's a bit odd, I know . Kind of makes me wonder whether this brand is available in Korea as well . Anyway, these masks use Collagen, Hyaluronic acid and Vitamin E; which is a common ingredient in all of PURE SMILE's masks . However unlike it's other series these masks are twice as hydrating-something I didn't know when I was buying it LOL . OTL

Each art mask has a different scent . From memory the one on the left has a green tea fragrance . Unfortunately, I couldn't read the other one's fragrance . ^^" Either way they both have a scent that I absolutely love and regardless, to me they both had quite a floral scent . Unlike the SNP masks I don't know whether the colouring was FDA approved or not, but it did not irritate my skin one bit when I put either of these masks on . You wear these masks for 15-20 minutes and then you pat dry the excess essence into your skin once you take the mask off .

They're 300 yen (approx. $3) and not always available at your local supermarket, but they're available at bigger chains like Tokyu Hands . I got these masks from Hands Be but when I looked around they weren't available at my local department store or at Loft . They were, however, available at my local supermarket for a limited time . These masks aren't as easily available online as the SNP masks were . But unlike the SNP range PURE SMILE's art masks has quite a variety of different art masks . The PURE SMILE art masks range from Japanese images (like geishas and Funabashi), to animals, to even masquerade masks ! 

Claims & Results

  • Moisturises skin: yup . by a ton fold .
    I used these masks in the summer so I had a bit of a breakout after using these masks . And because it moisturises the skin quite a bit it also did the next point quite thoroughly .
  • Makes skin glossy: UH HUH
    Like I said before, because it really moisturises by the end of it my skin was a bit glossy . But usually after the use of essence masks, I think the skin in general is glossy anyway ?

Like I said it made me break out a bit, but I mean like I had that pre-bump stage on my cheeks before it becomes a pimple . But the thing is, that usually never EVER happens to me even before my period so it was quite odd . With that being said though these masks have twice the moisture effect than it's normal counterparts, and since I used this in the summer...it's not really a smart move on my half lol . Also it didn't have that nice looking finish my skin has (it's like as though my skin looks brighter) when I took off the masks . However when I wore the masks it didn't irritate my skin and the scent of these masks were sooooo nice . Like, I absolutely loved it . *_* 

Ending comments + Would I purchase this again ?

In general, I think art masks should be worn in novelty, so it's not suitable to use on a weekly sort of basis . I think these masks does less than its drugstore counterparts which also have specialty ingredients that helps the skin in a variety of ways . I think it also does less than the SNP animal masks which at least have distinctive beneficial features . But I like the art of these masks ten times more than the SNP ones . XD""

If the chance ever comes to me, I'd probably buy these again considering that they're cheaper than the SNP masks . But because of the moisturising feature I'd only buy it in the winter months . If my skin needed a major moisture boost I'd probably buy it then . So yes, I suppose I'd buy it again, but I'd probably only use one once a week and then use my normal masks when I use face masks for the second time in a week (since I only use  face masks twice a week) . The variety of the images on these masks also makes them suuuper tempting to buy again lol . *_*

Have you ever tried these masks ? I'd love to hear your opinion on them ! ^^

Signing out,



  1. yeah definitely . the face masks are sooo cool though t. XD

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