Hello ! I just recently came across this really informative infograph that's an awesome cheat sheet to properties and natural ingredients commonly found in sheet face masks . I really wanted to post it because not only am I prone to forgetting a lot of the benefits here (LOL), but I've always been a really firm believer in using face masks with certain natural ingredients as part of your skincare routine . I mostly use face masks twice a week (in Japan they sell face mask products that you have to wear everyday !) and honestly ever since I started doing this I think it really helped to take good care of my face . ANYWAY here's the infograph !


So where to start with using sheet face masks ? If you want to know what I use, since I live in Japan I use a domestic product here called Pure Smile and use stuff from their natural line . If you try to buy this brand online though it is expensive as hell . I think it's a better idea if you buy online if it's not available readily available for you to buy in stores, and also, buy these products in bulk . I recommend 20 packs at a time because it'll be cheaper and you'll only have to re-order every 2 months or so.  Since once upon a time I too did not have the luxury of having these face masks at my doorstep, here are some brands that I recommend that are easier to get . They also use these ingredients, and can also be offered in bulk~
I recommend these products because:
  1. easy to get online !
  2. they're quite popular atm from what I've seen on Korean skin care websites
  3. cheap and aren't meant to be used everyday like some face masks require you to
  4. has a wide variety of these ingredients in their line for you to choose from .
  5. it's generally harder to find Japanese face masks sold in bulk online, tbh . ^^"
So there it is ! An AMAZING cheat sheet of the most used (and effective) ingredients that are used in face masks . Tbh I often pick particular ingredients when I have a certain problems with my skin, but since sometimes they go on for prolonged periods at times, I don't want to always be using the same ingredient on my skin . I sort of believe that if you continue to use the same product for a long time the good effect it has on your skin starts to fade away so yeah that's why I do that . XD" The best part is that face masks aren't as expensive as essences and at quite a degree does the same job as essences do~ ANYWAY I hope you get to giving your skin some of that royal face mask treatment~! 

Signing out,


Beauty Korean


  1. I love PICOPOCO LOL! And ahhh i mainly use honey masks *O*

    Jessie @ bijou-heart

    1. yeah ! when i saw this i was like YOU SAVIOUR T^T LOL . ooo i love using honey masks, they smell so sweet too hehe ^^

  2. LOL I'VE DONE THAT TOO OTL . i did it in the humid summer as well *cry but thanks for reminding me of the super moisturising features ! autumn's cold is soon approaching and i can have an excuse to buy it again XD LOL .
