Ah yes, after many months after trying it, I've decided to finally review it . I wanted to wait a bit to see how it was different to other skin care products and whether it actually did something in my skin care regime . And what can I say ? I did .

General Overview

It is a SUPER raved about product and is part of wishtrend's holy grail products . It was originally known as the O.S.T serum, and then it was changed to the C20 serum . I know that after this, they also made a C21.5 serum version of it . This recent version has taken away the leftover stickiness and oxidisation (the serum turning to a yellow colour after awhile, or when put in direct sunlight) . So I just want to stress the fact that this is not the O.S.T serum or the C21.5 serum, but the C20 serum . 

And as for the O.S.T cream they've never really changed it . XD"

This product's main ingredient is Vitamin C which is found in things like lemon and orange .  From my understanding since it's kind of acidic, basically, the serum might sting a bit . And it definitely did for me, ESPECIALLY when my skin was dry . @_@ People say you get used to it, and I mean, you do . But like...the pain of the sting is the same no matter how long and consistently you use the cream LOL . XD" I didn't skip out using this in my night routine much and apart from 2 or 3 days I used this product until it was finished . I have pretty sensitive skin and honestly I was a bit scared that the stinging was bad for my skin (it's usually a HUGE tell tale warning sign for a product that's no good for my skin) . However, I did find the product to be more useful than harmful . If you use this product and it gives your face redness or itchiness as well as that sting though, I suggest you stop using it . AND WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT USE IT IN THE MORNING OR DAYTIME, products with Vitamin C in it have adverse effects when it's put in the sun so make sure you only use it at night !!!

These products should be used in your night routine only . If you get them together they're usually around $30 USD on, and if you get them separately they're basically about $15 USD each . Even though it's part of sort of beauty cult, it's actually pretty easy to get online and is available on major sellers like ebay and amazon (even amazon Japan, which surprised me !) . 

The packaging is glass so it's definitely a pain to travel with LOL . At least they're small though so they can fit in your carry on . The serum is 30mL while the cream is 50mL .  Regardless of the difference in solution, oth the serum and cream lasted me roughly 4-5 months and finished up at around the same time . As rumoured, both the serum and solution makes your hands a bit sticky after applying it, and it leaves your face feeling pretty moist even after you wake up .

Claims & Results

  • Whitens the skin yupp !
    I use to have huuuge trouble with uneven skintone and I think this was one of the things that really alleviated that . Not only this but I think this combo does a pretty good job of keeping your skin even after you finish the use of it ^^ granted you don't do things like stay out in the sun and stuff like that~ And with saying it's a huge help in whitening the skin it also very much...
  • Recovers trouble scars
    Since whitening technically means to cure an uneven skintone, it also helps a LOT with trouble scars . Actually, regardless of how much BB cream I used (and with it's claims of 'whitening' and it being good for your skin and all) throughout late high school my acne scars from the early part of my high school days never really went away . However after finishing up the serum and cream, I honestly feel pretty comfortable looking at my skin, and it really does fade away the acne scars . As of now I feel as though I can't seem them at all without any BB/CC cream on, it's kind of amazing .
  • Tighten pores ...
    To be honest I don't really have a problem with open pores, so I wouldn't really know the answer to that . sorry . ^^" But I guess it might since...
  • Removes blackheads YES . AND PERMANENTLY .
    It's actually kind of funny because I bought this product solely for the whitening properties, and after I was reading up on it AFTER finishing it that's when I found out it has the ability to remove blackheads . The thing is I've tried removing blackheads before and no matter how cleaned it looked, it would always come back . BUT THIS SERUM ACTUALLY DOES THE THING AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT LOL . @_@ Honestly speaking though I have like 1 or 2 blackheads left on my nose but I think 95% of them have been eliminated from the way it used to be and that is seriously better than having them there .

Ending comments + Would I purchase this again ?

HOLY GRAIL . HOLY GRAIL . HOLY GRAIL PRODUCT . I think I've mentioned this in a post before, but it really is . If you have trouble with uneven skintone or acne scars, or blackheads on your nose (like me !) this will definitely change your life LOL . However the ingredient of Vitamin C may be a bit too much for some people and I have read reviews where it really wasn't good for the persons skin, so watch out for that . I mean yeah the solution is a bit sticky, but for what benefit it gives it really doesn't matter . Also the oxidisation of the product didn't really give a outwardly negative effect to the product from what I observed . It just went yellow but like, so what ? lol . If it worries you though you can read up on the negative effects of oxidisation and then decide whether it's worth the risk of using it or not .

So would I purchase this product again ? No . Because it solved my problems when I used it LOL . However I stayed pretty strict to the schedule and used it 99.9% every night when I went to bed for 4-5 months . If you don't, then the products magic won't really work . ^^" BUT THANKYOU MAGICAL PRODUCT FOR GRACING MY LIFE~ You will definitely be a milestone in my skin care history . :')

Signing out,


Beauty Korean

1 comment:

  1. Ahh Im so glad to see your review on this product! I was always wondering why it was so raved and I did forget that you cant use it under the sun LOL Im currently using Klairs serum but I don't use it daily -lazy- I need to finish it before I get this one!
    Jessie @ bijou-heart
