Aurum Brothers: Classic Silver Black Mixed | Classic Silver Chrysanthemum

I've been eyeing these bracelets for a while, so when I finally decided to get it I was absolutely delighted ! I've always liked wearing bracelets that wouldn't become victims to things such a rusting, and I've always taken an interest to precious stones . I decided to get these two in particular because there was something about the Chrysanthemum stones just caught my eye . They were also stones I've never heard of before which surprised me because they're really gorgeous . In terms of the Black mixed one I just thought the mix looked much more interesting than getting any of the plain ones (I am that kind of person lol) .

Chrysanthemum gem stones are found in China and Japan, and they represent purpose, calmness and balance . It is said that these stones help to aid you in having courage to find your true potential . The Classic Silver Black Mixed bracelet on the other hand is a mix between lava beads, Obsidian beads and Onyx beads . Obsidian stones hold a great importance to Mayan culture in terms of strength and wisdom, while the Onyx gemstone is often associated with the ability to deflect negativity .

In all, I'm really glad with these bracelets and the extremely strong grip of the strong that attaches it together really lets me know that these will last a long time . The only I'd wish for though is that these were also available in their Minimal line because these beads can get be a bit difficult to write with or type with haha . 

Apart from that they're really gorgeous and looking at them eases my mind . These bracelets give an air of both elegance and a sort of rawness that I like .

Signing Out,