So when I asked you guys what you wanted to see as my next post, the most requested topic was beauty tips ! That actually came as a bit of a surprise actually, considering the other things I asked was a post about fashion or a product review (yes I also do lifestyle stuff as well, but I recently did a post about travel so I was like, I'd rather not LOL) . I've also been thinking about tips about beauty as well, so I guess it was good for helping me to stop procrastinating on the topic haha . :P

Now the things that I'm about to suggest are mainly things I've either learnt, recognised or saw when I was watching a beauty show . The tips I'm about to say are also... more like superstitions that I have in terms of taking care of my skin, I guess you could say ? haha . But still, these are the top things that I've kept in mind when taking care of my skin and I also think it's greatly helped in the overall maintenance of if as well . So here's some clear skin tips on how to have good skin, and how to keep it that way .

1. Don't use Vitamin C products in your daytime routine .

If you were unaware of it, Vitamin C is a popular ingredient for prevention of melanin, UV damage, and an excellent choice for not only brightening the skin but also evening out the skin tone-so much so that certain Vitamin C products do an extremely excellent job of clearing acne skin scars . It's an excellent ingredient, right ? So this skin care tip is rather unfortunate, but it's important that you only incorporate this very important ingredient to your night time skin care routines only .

If you use Vitamin C products during the daytime it can actually do more harm than good to your skin . If you're looking to whiten your skin for example, if you use Vitamin C during the day time it could make you darker rather than whiter (which is why it is extremely important to note that using papaya soap or lemon on your skin during the day has a lot of bad feedback) . This tip can have rather adverse affects to your skin, so it's really important for you to remember this one .

2. Don't mix whitening products with anti-wrinkle products .

This was something I learnt when I was watching a beauty show . To be honest, there's  a lot of science behind this one...so much so that I can't really explain it LOL . XD" After the end of a very long explanation though what I got was this; if you use whitening products and wrinkle care products at the same time, it will cancel out their effects . This means that your skin will get neither the whitening benefits or the anti-wrinkle benefits from the products that you're using . 

In short, if you're looking to brighten your skin, whiten your skin and take care of your wrinkles all at the same time- it'll be a good idea for you to separate your skin care routine instead . So for example have one month dedicated to the brightening of your skin, then one month for taking care of wrinkles . At least with this one it just cancels out the positive effects rather than causes adverse effects to your skin though haha .

I think the only instance you can get away with this is if you use anything that has snail as an ingredient, as snail is very good for not only brightening your skin, (only in terms of making it less dull though) but also for preventing wrinkles .

3. Acne problems ? Try to cut down on the dairy .

Sure, there are loads of factors that come into play when you start having acne breakouts . Stress, sleep, hormones, la di da, whatever . Even though I have like no actual scientific evidence for this, I swear dairy is one of the leading reasons why my skin gets INSANE acne breakouts . I remember talking to a friend about this (whose job is in the science field) and even though they said that there's no actual scientific evidence to prove that acne is linked to dairy..they did realise that they had a milkshake the day before talking to me and now they had a massive pimple on their nose when they were talking to me . XD

On personal experiences I remember I ate a dessert that had cream, butter and ice-cream included in it and the next day ? Broke out . There was also a time where I would use almond milk for my everyday smoothies and I would consistently get white heads and acne for the whole span I was using almond milk in my smoothies . I haven't completely cut the dairy (I still have milk in my coffee and eat cereal before I work out- which is 3 to 4 times a week), but I think it should only be consumed as a small portion rather than a staple . I really think you shouldn't have dairy in every meal you have . I also think if you eat a large portion of dairy during the night time...you should prepare for consequences lol .

4. Weather is important .

I used to live in Australia, and for a lot of years my skin had consistent problems with dry patches and overall dryness . I then moved to Japan . I came in the winter so that continued, but then summer came and suddenly..breakouts . Oily skin . Oily skin and more breakouts . I didn't understand it since Summer through to Winter in Australia was just dry patches for me .

Turns out that I didn't know the definition of 'humidity' until I came to Japan, and the fact that the Japanese summer is incredibly humid . Because of this I found out that Australia's weather is actually very dry and that's why our Summer's seem to be more comfortable . 30 degrees in Sydney is hot but it doesn't feel bad, whereas 30 degrees in Japan is hell . Actual hell .

Anyway disregarding how nice the weather feels, humidity in the air plays an extremely important part of how your skin will be and how you'll treat it in the future, that's why it's important to know if your seasons are humid or not . The best way to find out about humidity is to check the daily weather, and heck even google it- this is important if you're traveling especially . Things like sensitive skin can't be helped, but knowing the origins of why your skin is troubled will help you a lot in terms of planning you future skin care routines . 

5. Hot Water or Cold Water ?

Using hot water or cold water is a very important component when you're cleansing your face and each has their individual benefits . 

Hot water:

  • Good for loosening your pores, which help with the extraction of solid white heads more cleanly .
  • Really important to use when washing with cleansing oils . Just like how cooking oil is easily watched off with hot water, it is much easier to wash off cleansing oils with warm water as well .

Cold Water:

  • Excellent for closing and tightening the pores . After extracting solid white heads I tend to wash my face with cold water after in order to close these pores from further infections .
  • Good for de-puffing your face if it's swollen .
  • Good for reducing redness .
Of course, please don't use scalding water, and don't use water that would freeze your face and hands either lol . I usually start my washing routine with warm water and end it with cold water, actually . 

And there it is, 5 important superstitions I abide by when I am doing my skin care ! They might sound really random, but I think that's why I decided to do an article on it; because these aren't things you really think about until you encounter it . As much as I love makeup, to me skin care is the number one, most important thing when it comes to the face . 

Happy skin means easy makeup and win ! XP haha 

Signing out,



  1. Ooh, these are all really good tips! I'll keep them in mind. And your pictures are wayyy cute by the way!


    1. Yay, glad to hear they're of help ! ^^ and aaw thank you haha . :3
