I've always been a sucker for interesting quizzes haha . Getty recently did a quiz about what the images you find most interesting say about your personality, and it was pretty refreshing as it definitely has different questions to your typical quiz .

In all honesty I actually took this quiz because I wanted to know what images I was attracted to so I could find out a good design style to use . But it turns out, that this quiz is more about your personality rather than how you design or work haha (my bad !) . Since it tells you about what kind of images attract you and gets your attention, it really helps to figure out what your inspiration habits are . So work wise, I guess this quiz was still very useful to me haha .

Even though the answers are still a tad bit vague, the way they break down your personality was really different to other tests that I've seen . I think this is a pretty good thing though because at least you get to learn about new facets in your personality . I think doing such things are really important in learning the capacity of who you are as a human .

The individual breakdown of your personality...look at that conscientiousness though smh LOL.
 I was a bit disappointed that this quiz wasn't about design sensibility . XD" But I didn't feel like I wasted my time either . So if you feel like learning more about yourself in taking a quiz that doesn't feel so stock standard, I really recommend you try it out ! Here's the quiz . :D

Signing out,