You see the cream as well as the box, right ? The SU:M37 White Award Ultimate Whitening Ampoule cream basically only comes in a box set with other products, so instead of just reviewing the cream I decided to review all the products that came with the set that I bought . After all if you're planning to buy the product you should know the quality of all the products that you're buying, right ? haha .

Also the product name is ridiculously long, so I'm just going to go with "the white award cream" if that's alright with you LOL . Anyway let's begin !

General Overview

Price: $100 (it was $70 when I bought it though, which was around this time last year)
Accessibility: Easy to find on sites like eBay and amazon, not so easy to find in the small asian cosmetic specialty sites
Expiry date: approximately 2 years after purchase
Main ingredient: Micro Fermentation Pearl Protein Complex
Like I mentioned previously, you can't buy the cream on its own, and there will be other SU:M37 products along with it . In my set there was the White Award Ultimate Whitening Spot Essence Ex, White Award Micro Whipping Deep Cleansing Foam, and of course, the White Award Ultimate Whitening Ampoule in Cream . I'm aware that there's another set that has other products apart from these ones though . The $100 price tag may seem very expensive but both the cream and essence are full-sized products, while the foam is in a sample size . Along with these products there's also the spatula and ampoule for the cream .

In general, SU:M37 is known as a high-end department brand which is also the reason why its so expensive . XD" In addition the products seem to be targeted to a more older audience, but I really do believe that for the most part they make very excellent products for repair of the skin . I think it's also important to note that all these products should be used in your night time skin care routine only .

The really excellent thing about this product is the fact that it comes with a very thorough instruction manual that tells you how to correctly use the products, and the English instructions are seriously well written (nice work, translators !) . Because of this you'll be able to use this product with accuracy and know what it will do .

Here is a quick overview of the products separately:

and this is my video review if you don't feel like reading ;)

White Award Whitening Ampoule In Cream

In this product you'll have to mix the pearl ampoule in before you start using it (the instruction manual will tell you how to do so) . Can I just add that the manual tells you to use the fat part of the spoon to mix but DON'T- use the skinny end to mix it thoroughly, trust me on this fam . Trust me .

White Award Ultimate Whitening Spot Essence EX

For this one you can choose to apply it all over your face, but the directions suggest that you should apply it to the problem parts of your face . If you choose to apply it all over your face, you should apply the essence once more on areas that are problematic .

White Award Micro Whipping Deep Cleansing Foam

As mentioned before, this is the only product to be a sample size in this box . There's no special gimmick with this product, so just use it like you usually use a cleansing foam haha .

Claims and Results

First I'll start with the White Award Whitening Ampoule In Cream:
  • treats dull skin- YES .It's fascinating to note that as soon as you put on the product, you will immediately see the fact that it brightens your face up, instantly . The brightening effect really lasts until the next day, so if you have a really important event you're going to want to use this the night before haha .
  • This product doesn't claim this, but a really important thing about this cream is also the fact that it is very moisturising . So much so that when I was using this product I was able to clear up my dry patches .
To be honest I think the biggest problem with dull skin is the fact that it needs to be treated consistently, and you can't ever really get rid of it . Some products do a so-so job with brightening, but with this product it really is like your face is much more brighter, as though it's rather refreshing to look at . Even though it wont completely get rid of dull skin, it will definitely get it out of the dull slump when you're using this product .

This product is also very excellent for moisturising, but I think because of this there are a lot of oily skin people that do not enjoy using this product . In general, a lot of oily skin type people don't like using SU:M37 and I think this product is no exception from that .

Now for the White Award Ultimate Whitening Spot Essence EX:

  • intensively treats shady spots of the skin- yup !
    This product is great, but I've found that differing problem spots take differing times to heal . For example when I used this product on a recent problem spot I noticed that the same spot never darkened as bad as some parts of my face, and healed much faster compared to other scars that have been there for longer . I can't give an exact timespan on how long a problem spot takes to heal with this product as I admittedly have never used the essence consistently enough for that . But usually I've seen that the essence takes into effect from 1 to 3 days of consistent use .
Last but not least, the White Award Micro Whipping Deep Cleansing Foam:
  • remove impurities and pollutants from pores- ..I guess ?
    When using this product I've found that it doesn't do a good job with cleaning off makeup . If you're a fan of doing the two-step cleaning routine though this probably wouldn't phase you . But I think this says a bit about the cleansing power of a product . REGARDLESS I do think this product does clean the skin, since whenever I use this product I've noticed that my skin is less likely to develop blemishes or bumps on the skin .
  • whitening action & refreshing sensation- yes !
    I've actually come to really like using this product, because I can tell that when I use it my skin just looks soooo... SOMETHING . I never understood the definition of "clear and translucent" until I saw what my skin looked like after using this wash . The skin just looks brighter and not only do you feel refreshed you also look refreshed too .
Because I realised that it doesn't do too much of a great job of washing off makeup, I've found that this is the perfect cleanser to use in the morning . I feel as though it does an excellent job of cleaning the minute imperfections that the skin might gather on the face, as well as brightening up the skin for the rest of the day .

Final thoughts + Would I purchase it again ?

I think all of these products do an excellent job at what they're meant to do . Originally I didn't necessarily buy this set for the whitening factor of the cream, but the moisturising factor of it . I'm not sure if I already mentioned it but the reason why my skin broke out of the dry spell it had for so long was because of this product . But because the cream worked so well for me I don't think I'll need to purchase it again because quite frankly...I don't need to . 

However I know that if ever I suffer from the dry patches again, I wouldn't be surprised if this was the first item I looked up to buy !

This set is pretty from head to toe too~
Do I think the product is excellent for whitening ? Yes, of course . But I just feel as though there are cheaper alternatives if I wanted to keep my skin from being dull . In terms of repurchasing the essence and foam though, I definitely would want to . The essence does a really excellent job in fading acne scars and the foam's brightening effect is very wonderful when you're using it in the morning . When I run out of the foam I really am thinking of repurchasing it again .

My final thoughts on these products is definitely a positive one, but I definitely want to warn people that have oily skin that they probably wouldn't want to use this product set . SUM:37 in general seems to not have a good reputation with oily skin conditioned people, as it's very moisturising . And even though yes, the reason why oily skin happens is because the skin is technically dry, I think what an oily skin conditioned person would want is something that not only moisturises the skin properly, but something that will control oil and sebum . Unfortunately these products do not focus on that, and apart from the foam, whenever my skin became oily I'd really refrain from using both the cream and essence .

So yes, there are my thoughts on the product, how about you ? Have you ever used this product ? Because if so I'd love to know your thoughts on it ! 

Signing out,