This beautiful little thang became one of my holy grails regardless of the fact that I haven't finished my first bottle yet . So I decided to do a more in-depth review of it ! This product comes from WishTrend, a sort of mini cult or hipster part of Korean skin care . They offer up products from some rather decent but not very famous skin care brands .

Here's my Wear White Finisher~


  • brightens skin tone
  • whitens skin tone
  • 'upgrade' skin tone
  • helps blemishes and wrinkles to fade out
  • can be used as makeup primer
  • instant brightening effect that can last for 12 hours
Now for anyone who doesn't know what whitening means in the skin care universe this means to even out your skin tone . No it does not mean to make your face literally whiter . Even though many people make these terms interchangeable, from what I've learnt, brightening is different for the fact that its makes the general complexion look better . Often some people may feel as though their face looks 'dull' and brightening is often used in terms of this sort of context .

Part in Skincare: moisturiser > this product > makeup (can also be used in your night time routine as well !)

How long can it last ?: This product is 60mL and I got this product March of this year . I used it once everyday until recently (to which I now use this product twice a week) and it still hasn't finished yet . With this product a little definitely goes a looong way .


  • brightens skin tone -YES !
    Even though this product was used with conjunction of a lot of new skin care products in my routine, I do believe it did play it's part in not making my skin look dull . And if it gives an instant brightening effect how could it NOT play a part in brightening the skin tone ?
  • whitens skin tone -Yes .
    Like I said before this product was used with conjunction of other new skin care products, but I do think it played its part .  I'm confident that my skin doesn't have uneven skin tone any longer and I do believe this product plays a huge part . Not only does it even out skin tone I am also pretty sure it literally makes your face whiter (for anyone who wants that added bonus too .)
  • 'upgrade' skin tone- ...
    I don't really know what this means . But if you want me to be completely honest I don't count this product super important for things such as revitalising the skin .
  • helps blemishes and wrinkles to fade out half ?
    If anything it makes blemishes less noticeable once applied, but I don't really think it did anything for the wrinkles .
  • can be used as makeup primer with caution
    I mean, you can . But I don't really think it keeps your makeup on as long as it claims it does . During this time I'd use a CC cream compact though so I would have to pat on my makeup (if you can call CC cream makeup) and perhaps it didn't go too well with this product . On average I probably wear makeup 8 hours a day and when I came home my makeup did not look like it lasted at all . Also if I put this product on in the morning, but then apply makeup to it hours later there would always be this sort of weird residue that would come off my face . It's hard to describe, but it sort of seemed like dust coming off ? But that's only if you apply makeup MUCH AFTER putting this product on .
  • instant brightening effect that can last for 12 hours yes !
    It's true . The effects . are literally . instant . It's fascinating stuff . Also it makes your skin look really nice and doesn't have the same sort of heavy feel that makeup does, so you can use this on long flights without any makeup on top of it if you really wanted too (AND you wouldn't hate yourself so much without the makeup on too) . You don't have to worry about it smudging off and whatnot . I mean, I do prefer BB cream over using this finisher for a work day since it makes your face look both flawless and dewy, but hey just take away the dewiness and think more about natural flawless and this is basically what this product is .
And the result is... ?

Would I repurchase this again ?

Most certainly ! The product does have it's flaws, but one of the really importantly strong points of this product is the fact that it is plausible to wear it as a replacement for your makeup for the extreeeeemely long days that some people unfortunately have to encounter in this life time (*hand up) . It also doesn't make my face feel really bad and I don't have to worry about it melting off which is perfect for plane flights or night outs . Not only that but I do feel as though it played an extremely important part in the whitening of my skin tone

So yes, when my bottle becomes empty I'll repurchase it again, but that's because I use it strongly for whitening skin tone and comfortable wearing for flights or long days .

That's it for me ! You can buy it on the wishtrend site or find floating around somewhere on eBay ~

signing out,