byU's presentation was held at what was described to me as "hipster hotel" . Joking aside though, byU seems to be a fairly new brand made by Hiroki Uemura . Despite of its newness though, the byU presentation definitely did not make that an excuse to give a sub par presentation . It was interesting to witness this brand, as it was a fascinating fusion of Japanese and Western fashion .

Held at Hotel Emanon, it was a hotel that also had a restaurant attached to it as well (and though usually hotels have restaurants attached to them, I think this restaurant catered more to the public rather than the people that were staying at the hotel) . The interior of the hotel was very quaint, rustic, but a fusion of two decades or places . It was like the modernity of the 80's was mixed with the nature of the countryside . Even though though flowers and plants are a pretty common aesthetic in Japan, it's often done in a more cleaner, simple, and minimalistic way . However this hotel definitely had a more Western feel to it which I think was quite fitting for the brand .

byU gifted us with a goodies bag which had their brand name on the top of its bag, small but elegant . The bag in comparison was huge and looked super slick-I felt so rich when I was holding it LOL . Included was a list of their brand concept, season concept, colour and fabric which I thought was cool to see as it was concise and straight to the point with its brand. Another thing they had in their goodies bag was a floral pattern covered VR head set . There was a QR code that you read on your phone and then you slot the phone into the VR head set and you could see the presentation from a 360 point of view . Even though the VR head set is basically just a pretty cardboard box, the feature was still pretty cool .

byU goodies bag and VR head set !

byU's brand concept is more intended for older women, while eloquently emphasising style and loveliness to their design . Their A/W collection is 'sweet' and 'rock' which is probably why the collection is not only riddled with floral and flowers, but also has checkered clothing and chains . They say their main colours of this collection is monotone (of course), with a side of red and black,  but its actually quite a colourful collection . Materials that were used in this collection included C/ Modal. Viyella Rose Bouquet, Cu/C. Monogram Tile, S/C. Lawn Ribbon Rose, Denim Needle Punch Windowpane, Hound's Tooth Check Gradation, Torchon Lace Border, Raised River Lace Star Flocky, Mink, Tartan Tweed, Airy Flower Jacquard, Fancy Tweed, Leopard Feather and Mall Tweed .

The first thing I noticed about this collection was the utter intricacy that the details and patterns had . It's intended for older women so I don't think I'd be wearing this, but I can't help but marvel at the way it was designed, well and truly . What I also found really interesting was the fact that even though this is an Autumn and Winter collection, it is absolutely covered in floral ! And I love it ! The knit and muted colours still give it a very autumn winter feel, and honestly this is like the only piece of clothing (yes, including normal shopping stores) that has this amount of floral . I don't know what it is but floral and stripes will always be my favourite type of pattern haha .

Though this collection is directed to a completely different audience, it was definitely an experience to be able to witness byU's presentation . It is absolutely lovely, and the sort of stuff I would want to draw haha . What do you think of their collection ?

Signing out,