Even though I've been to Tokyo Disneyland before, I decided to go again since it was my friends first time going to a Disneyland . And now that I've been there twice, I think it'd be good to give some advice about what it's like and how to fully enjoy your day there . First off, I just want to say that if you've been to the big Disneyland parks like the one in California, it really doesn't compare . Not even Disneyland Paris is quite as impressive as Disneyland California . HOWEVER, the most interesting part of visiting a Disneyland is seeing what movies and characters is popular in the country-and Tokyo Disneyland is definitely no different .

In Tokyo Disneyland my favourite part was that Monsters Inc. seems to be a SUPERLY beloved series in Japan; which made me absolutely fangirl because growing up Monsters Inc. was one of the Disney movies I'd watch all . the . time . I used to watch the movie and then watch the extras in the dvd like at least every week when it came out (my brother was so sick of it XD), maybe I have the same taste as the Japanese ? ahaha . Anyway they have a Monsters Inc. dedicated store, as well as a ride . ^^ As well as this frozen is ridiculously popular in Japan, but I supposed it's pretty popular everywhere lol . Winnie the Pooh is also extremely popular here, especially the old school Winnie the Pooh which is pretty interesting, it also makes the story very lovely and vintage looking . Another classic favourite also seems to be Beauty and the Beast as well as, Alice in Wonderland . The latter doesn't really surprise me considering how much merchandise you can find of it in Japan .

Now onto the actual atmosphere of the park . The price for adults is roughly 6,900 yen (roughly $68-69 USD) and like I said before, does not have as much rides as a place such as Disneyland California . Also it is ridiculously crowded all the time . It doesn't matter whether it's a public holiday or not because regardless of where you go, there will always be a line . Whether it be for the rides or for the toilet or food stalls-so yes, just a word to the wise . If you want to be able to go on really exciting rides, this Disneyland has very few of them .

However you could try Tokyo Disneyland Sea which I've always heard has been the 'adult equivalent', but I think they mean it has more mature and enjoyable rides for adults compared to Tokyo Disneyland .

Not to say that there's no exciting rides at there, but I think there were only 3 or 4 rides that you could count as 'thrilling' ? The lines for these rides are also exceptionally long. On average it's a 60-100 minute wait . I even recall waiting for 120 minutes ? (yes, two hours) I think if I was told this information before I would've enjoyed Tokyo Disneyland more, but yes you really need to equip yourself for something to do when you go to Tokyo Disneyland because you'll find yourself waiting for literally hours on end .

What I recommend though is coming to Tokyo Disneyland as early as possible, and then quickly going to the big rides for a Fast Pass . Fast Pass' are kind of like ticket reservations if you don't want to wait hours in the line, but you will still need to wait a little even if you do use a Fast Pass . Also, Fast Pass' require you to come back at a certain time . But say you get a ticket at around 10am, it might ask you to come back 3pm (no, I'm not joking). So it is really crucial that if you're planning on going Tokyo Disneyland that:

  • you go there as early as possible
  • you collect your fast pass tickets as fast as possible
  • you plan to spend the whole day there
  • bring a book, preferably a really big thick one 
A restaurant next to the ride we were on !
Now before all the waiting might put you off of going there, if you're not the sort of person that's into thrilling rides it's a different story . As long as it's not a fast ride, the wait lines are much shorter . I remember that the wait time said "30 minutes" but we ended up waiting for only 15 minutes, so not all the rides have a terribly long wait line . Also when you're waiting for your Fast Pass reservation it gives you a nice time to stroll around the park, enjoy the aesthetics and eat . There are plenty of events like the parade and marching band, so it can be pretty easy to kill time there . For example the Light parade which is held at night and goes for around 30 minutes to 1 hour (I can't remember exactly how long it was, but it was very long) .

Oh ! But also remember that the Fast Pass also has like a a certain time when you can enter, so pay close attention to the time on the ticket so all that time you spent idling around doesn't go to waste !

The Disney Light Parade !
Onto other stuff to be careful of when you're in the park, if you aren't aware of it yet debit cards are not accepted in the park . You might think to yourself "but credit cards and debit cards are the same", but if you go there and your debit card doesn't work, don't say I didn't warn you . I have no idea why either but trust me when I say this, credit cards and debit cards are different things in Japan, and 99% of the time debit cards will not be accepted . Japan is mainly a cash society so if you don't have a credit card, please do the best that you can to have cash on you in the park . Also try your best to eat before you get there, because as I said before everything in Disneyland has a line . And if you're starving and you want to eat like a glutton, that is just not going to happen lol . 

I hope this article wasn't all a downer, because regardless of all the things I had to learn the hard way, I still enjoyed what was there to enjoy haha . Also if you're a big fan of Beauty and the Beast, Winnie The Pooh, Monsters Inc, Star Wars, Frozen and Alice in Wonderland; you'll be absolutely fangirling ahaha . 

After all, no matter how big or small, Disneyland is always a magical place . ^^

Signing out,