Recently I decided to move my blog to a different e-mail address so unfortunately I've lost my followers on blogspot ! Aaaaah I hope you guys find me again ! ;3; I miss you . T_T To be honest I decided to do it because I always had to go back and forth between emails and I thought to myself, that for the sake of logistics this would benefit me more in the long run .

But thinking about it I probably should've notified you guys before I did it . I exported the blog and template so I assumed that everything would be restored exactly to the way it was prior...but unfortunately it doesn't work like that ;_; . Anyway, on to the review !

General Overview

SKINFOOD's Black Sugar Scrub Foam is around 160g, and even though I probably received this at around August last year and it's only empty now, I don't really think it has a very long lasting power . But that's because I left it in my shower and the sugar (aka the exfoliating component) just completely melts . This means that the next time you open the product it all just runs out and it makes it SUPER difficult to control the amount that you want to use . It also makes it no longer an exfoliant . ;_; So yes please don't leave this product in the shower lol . T_T The product costed around $11 USD when I bought it, however I've observed that there's a newer version of this product that's called Black Sugar Perfect Scrub Foam and it also costs around the same price as well; so it's also reasonably cheap .

Both the date it was manufactured and the date of when it'll expire is the part in small front at the top of the product . Usually a product has one or the other, so it's nice that they provide a lot of information on the product .

The scent of it is actually pretty surprising ! It's rather...citrus-y ? I can't recall if there's MEANT to be citrus in this product but yeah, I read the ingredients and I didn't see lemon or orange written anywhere ? XD" Anyway I quite enjoy this scent because it makes your face feel really fresh, and it's super refreshing . Plus it's a cleanser so after you finish using this product the smell of it goes away pretty quickly . The packaging is completely plastic so it's pretty travel friendly...but if you've left it in the shower like I have, even if you take it OUT of the shower the residue will somehow end up on the cap and it gets all sticky and stuff . @_@

aka moral of the story, probably shouldn't ever leave it in your shower ever . -_-

That aside, when using the product you lather it on your face, and the sugar sort of melts as it exfoliates your face, which is really smart . However if you have sensitive skin, you really have to massage it gently or else it will leave your skin being a tad bit red . But with doing that I don't exactly feel like your skin is being exfoliated properly... Also it hurts like hell if it gets into your eyes so definitely make sure it doesn't do that .

Claims & Results

  • Gently exfoliates dead skin cells and leaves skin soft
Does it gently exfoliate ? It's up to you, really . Because I have sensitive skin I had to really be gentle with the exfoliation, but so much so that...I don't really feel as though it was doing enough for my skin ? 

It did leave me skin feeling softer but at the same time, I felt that squeaky clean finish which makes me feel as though my skin has kind of been dried out, but not too much to the point that it becomes a problem for your skin though . Also when it was left in the shower the exfoliation aspect of it was completely erased .

Final Thoughts + Would I repurchase it again ?

I hope this wasn't all just a negative review for you guys because I don't actually dislike the product, but I just feel as the product is very much not suited for me . I like to use exfoliators in the shower and because this just melts, I definitely couldn't be able to purchase this product again . And unfortunately my skin is a bit too sensitive for this product to be effective on my skin, to be honest .

If you don't have sensitive skin and your skin is more on the oily side, then you'd probably want to use this product . After a thorough exfoliation it will definitely make your skin feel very refreshed . The only reason why I wouldn't recommend this to people that have more drier skin is because of the drying finish-it might feel a bit too uncomfortable on your skin, y'know ?

It's odd because even though this product is really not a good fit for me, I don't dislike it ? ...maybe the scent makes it super pleasant to use as a cleanser LMAO .

Have you guys used this product ? I'm curious to what oily and dry people think of this haha . ^^

Signing out,