From becoming a sold-out product, to having to be able to use it and review it, I feel pretty lucky haha . ^^ I don't hear about it as much as I used to though ? Regardless, I decided to finally make a review on it, and that's the lovely SU:M 37 Miracle Rose Cleansing Stick .

General Overview

Once upon a time this product was so much in demand that the product was going to stop selling since they ran out of rose petals for the product . I'm not too sure what happened because it looks like the production has continued and is going strong, but it also doesn't seem like they've ran out of the rose petals either haha .

On the topic of rose petals, the scent is pretty strong . I actually don't like the smell of roses so when I first opened the package it was admittedly rather overwhelming . Even though I'm really not a fan of the scent, it won't be an absolute deal breaker . Sure I don't enjoy smearing the smell over my face, however the scent isn't irritable, so you will get used to it after a while . Plus the smell easily goes away after using your other cosmetic products .

There is around 76g worth of product in this, and it's around as big as your hand . I used it probably around 3 times a week ? and with that it lasted me around 4 months, so compared to other products it doesn't have a long lasting time . However on amazon Japan you're able to get it for around 2,300 yen (which is roughly $23) so I think that's a not too high of a price, but isn't exactly cheap either . Also from what I know on sites that are more international, such as Ebay, it goes for around 3,000 yen which is around $30 USD . Sooo...all I can say is pick your poison ? haha . The expiry date of the package isn't under it, but rather on the side, so just be aware of that . However I think you'd already of finished it by the time it expires . xD

Despite it's not exactly cheap price, one thing that I really love about it is the packaging . Out of all the cleansers that I've seen and encountered, I'm pretty sure that this one is the most travel-friendly, light weight, and fuss-free one to use . I don't know what it is about just slapping some cleanser on your face like some roll-on deodorant, but I feel as though it saves a lot of time compared to other products ? No rubbing on your hands before applying, no having to scoop it out, to be honest that's a huge plus for me (I am a simple person LOL) .

It is a first-step cleanser, so if you're looking for something that will clean off makeup on your face, than this definitely will not do . If the product goes anywhere near your eyes it will sting like hell, so you really need to use another cleanser if you wear makeup on your face . It's also a bit weaker than other cleansers, but if you don't wear a lot of makeup this will definitely suffice . The product itself, is kind of like soap, or definitely has that kind of texture . HOWEVER it really doesn't leave your skin feeling tight like the usual soap does, which is what I really love about this product . I think its meant to replace foam cleansers (which is usually the first step in cleansing), and if you're worried that it doesn't cleanse as a foam cleanser does, you most definitely don't have to worry about that . Oh, and if you get a kick out of a foam cleanse then have no fear ! With this product you'll definitely get that foaminess . XD

Claims & Results

  • Will clean without skin irritation
  • HAS BEEN WIDELY SAID that it has a low PH level (to be honest, I haven't found a credible source for this, but I've seen it said a lot about this product)
Yes ! yas yas yaaas ! It was oh so pleasantly surprising especially due to the fact that it seems really soap-esque . I've used cleansers that weren't soapy in texture but still gave a tight feeling to my skin and this product honestly didn't do that . Also since this isn't an oil so it didn't feel like there was residue on my face either .

Rejoice sensitive skin people, you have a saviour ! :'D
The expiry date is next to the instructions on the side of the stick !

Final Thoughts + Would I repurchase it again ?

Honestly, I enjoyed this product a lot, but it's price and it's availability to me wouldn't have me buying it and using it daily . There are better alternatives for a cheaper price . 

BUUUUT when it's time for me to travel I can feel myself eyeing this product already, and wouldn't be surprised if I decide to buy it and use it for when I travel . Because honestly ? It is one of the most convenient cleansers I've ever used . It's fast to use, and seriously light weight . Even though finding out whether you've finished the product or not feels like your playing a round of Jack in the Box, if you're on the move or travel a lot, this product would be so good to you .

Also it doesn't melt in the shower, yay ! :P

Have you guys used this product ? Do you think it lives up to its hype ? ahaha

Signing out, stay beautiful inside and out !