This year I learnt many things about travelling than I ever did before . Prior to this year I had done a lot of travel. However this year was the first time I was ever really by myself and I had to go through many trials and even more errors to make travelling not such a pain . Considering how different my past experiences have been to how it is recently, I'd like to think that I've learnt from my mistakes and think it'd be for the better to help people if they ever come across travelling alone . Since this is a post that also included how to travel with your cosmetics it was pretty close to becoming a Beauty 101 blog . But since there are other important tips that I think you guys would need to know I decided to just include it under the general Lifestyle blog .

I don't know how it came to 5 tips, but when I was writing down the most important points it just happened to be that number . XD" Anyway even though the upcoming tips may seem trivial, I noticed that when I packed with these tips in mind, travelling became much less of a inconvenience . Admittedly I can't stop the jet lag or the sleepless night flight no matter how much research or travel experience I've conjured . But I know that if I didn't keep these things in mind, I think I'd hate travelling far more than I usually would . Actually I didn't want to fly back home originally because of how much I hated travelling, but now it's pretty tolerable LOL . Anyway~

1. Use a backpack & bring a tote bag .

For a long time when I travelled I used a hand bag . This was when I was with my family or I travelled in a group . But when I first travelled alone and had to bring along that hand bag as well as my huge carry-on AS WELL AS my baggage...I did not fair too well from my home to the airport . The flight from your location to the destination is already difficult enough, why make it harder on the way there ? If you're lucky to go to the airport in a car then it may not be so difficult, but when you're taking public transport to and from the airport you'd best believe how convenient using a backpack is while you travel . 

And why did I say using a tote bag ? When travelling I used to want to bring several hand bags and leather bags but the thing is, they take quite a lot of space . You can either use it as one of your carry ons or you can stuff things IN your bag to try and make the most out of the space in your baggage, OR you can use tote bags . The thing about tote bags is that they're so easy on your luggage in terms of packing and weight . They're thinner and lighter than most of your clothing, and not only that but also really fashionable and can hold a lot . However do take note that countries in Europe and South East Asia are a bit dangerous so it'd be a good option for you to get a tote bag that can be zipped to protect your belongings from being stolen...or just use your backpack . X)

But keep it simple, keep it sweet . Have a carry on backpack and pack a tote bag . 

2. Your ticket and passport are lovers .

Get a mini organiser to put your ticket and passport, since they're often asked for at the same time in the airport . In terms of your ticket and passport I mean anything from:
  • Check-in ticket (often printed and the thing you get when you buy your plane ticket)
  • Actual tickets for boarding
  • Passport
  • Visas
Have them all in the one organiser . These are the things that I have in my mini organiser thing, actually . Even though you think that shoving all those papers in your passport is enough (like I once did), the fact that losing any of those documents could literally cost your flight really gives you some unending paranoia . Using travel organisers gives you that much needed peace of mind and honestly makes everything easier to hold . You can get passport pouches or mini organisers at places like the dollar store, daiso, or stores that specialise in stationery and/or luggage . I found my organiser thing at Tokyu Hands in Tokyo Japan . You can try passport pouches but I personally feel as though a file organiser suits my needs and is easier to open & close . Not only that but I also place a pen within the organiser since paper and pen naturally goes hand in hand (oh, and don't forget to have a pen always with you when you travel as well !) . Later on I'll add a picture of my passport organiser to get an idea of what I'm talking about haha .

Get those tickets, visas and passport in their own lil travel wallet or organiser ! Also on the topic of organisation...

3. Pouches & containers . Pouches & containers everywhere .

Where there are small things there should be containers, and where there are cords there should be pouches . People have said that putting your cables in containers is efficient but honestly speaking, estimating how big your chords are for a matching container is difficult . With my chords I've basically ended up putting the USB chords and chargers in one medium sized pouch and my laptop charger in something that's basically as big as a pencil case . I put the laptop charger and other cables separately because ultimately it's easier, especially since I tend to use my laptop charger far more . You might be thinking "why not just leave it in your bag as is ?" but essentially when you chuck your passport, ticket, wallet, and water bottle into the mix...it can leave you feeling a bit flustered when trying to find stuff .

Just trust me, put your laptop charger in a soft case .

In terms of your jewellery, necklace and luggage keys; I like to keep them in those pill containers for each day of the week . This just makes it so convenient to travel and not worry about losing any jewellery, and this has seriously worked wonders for me . I used to actually put my small stuff with my cables in the same pouch but yeah...no . LOL . It's far more better to use a small container for such small objects and you also don't get anything tangled so it's far more easier to manage .

You can even put your small stuff in compartments as well !
Remember ! Cables and chargers in pouches, with your laptop charger in a different pouch . Make sure to keep the smaller stuff like jewellery and baggage lock + keys in pill medication containers . While talking about jewellery...

4. All that airport fashion hype .

I know . I know you see those airport fashion pictures around especially of Korean idol stars . I have a fashion and skin care blog too you know !! However believe me when I say wearing your best dressed in your prettiest, tightest jeans is not worth it especially when you have 24 hours worth of plane flight with one to three transfers . Sounds terrible right ? Because it is . Whether you want to go completely comfortable and wear track pants is up to you . But I personally love to wear a long flowy A-line skirt since it is super comfortable, easy to move in, and still helps to make you look absolutely wonderful . Not only that but most shoes you wear fit them quite well .

One thing you need to remember though is that whatever you do, don't go wearing loads of jewellery . In fact, try your best not to wear any at all . When I rock up to the airport I only wear my watch and my earrings, simply because it is just such a pain to take it off for customs, just to put it back on again, and then wear it while you sleep on an overnight flight . Comfortable and practical right ? Of course not . Not only that but you feel kind of bad holding up the line while you take off each itty bitty thing just to put it back on . I used to put all my jewellery on to avoid putting it in containers and stuff like that, but obviously while you're in the shower or while you're sleeping you'll have to put all your little stuff somewhere . Trust me, it makes life easy when you wear next to no jewellery at the airport, just leave it in the containers until you go site seeing in that beautiful country over on the other side . 

Wear something comfortable and if possible stylish . Also keep your jewellery to a minimum if not at all ! And talking about what stuff to put where..

5. Let's talk about liquids & cosmetics .

For me packing cosmetics and liquids was the biggest learning curve in travelling out of all the topics covered so I thought it'd be best to leave it until last . If there's anything you need to know, liquids in your carry ons can ONLY  be in containers of 100mL or under or else it will be automatically confiscated . Honestly speaking a lot of countries are lenient with this but if you're too lax that product you paid money for is taken away in an instant . Your other options with cosmetics is to put it in your baggage . However that's of course, super dangerous especially when your cosmetics are in glass containers . 

For me I do my best to get travel friendly cosmetic containers which is easily found in your dollar stores, or stores like Daiso and Muji . I often leave my day creams in the container as is, but for things like my serum which are often stored in glass containers, I use smaller plastic containers . In the scheme of things it just helps for easing the amount of stuff you have in your baggage as well as not having to worry about whether your cosmetics have made it out alive from the trip.  

Make sure to put your liquid carry ons in a clear bag like a sandwich bag !
In terms of liquids in my carry ons, I really limit that to very few since the average carry on weight is 8kg and sometimes they do weigh it . Also I put my laptop and camera in my carry on since it's basically not allowed to be put in your actual luggage-which essentially means I don't have much weight left to work with . Essentially I only bring 3 liquid carry ons with me; my perfume, hand cream, and mouthwash . My perfume because I can't take it out of the container which is made of glass, hand cream since my hands get dry easily, and mouthwash since my flights are often overnight and it's easier to do than brush my teeth . But if there's anything that I can transfer to a smaller plastic container, I do it . Because even though it may seem like a HUGE hassle, it will definitely help to ease weight from your baggage, as well as your state of mind lol .

So yes . Plastic containers for your baggage and only stuff you need for the flight in your carry ons ! Keep in mind that your carry on liquids must be under 100mL . Save those sample bottles for your flight .

Hope you travel free and better !

With these suggestions I really hope you travel happier and better, as these tips are trialled, tested and true . Of course, you don't have to follow everything I just described since some of these are admittedly for comfort first, but buying all those small containers and pouches are definitely worth the easy organisation . Unless of course, you are a celestial travel being that has no problems with going through those gates . X)

Anyway do you have travel secrets ? What are your biggest problems when you travel ? 

Signing out,


1 comment:

  1. Your tip about the pill boxes are so good! Can't believe I never thought of that haha I just stopped taking jewellery with me on holiday because I kept losing everything.
